Sunday, September 5, 2010

FACE behind the HAND

Handwriting reflects our personality. Discovering personality types in handwriting can be helpful in all walks of life. Have you ever wanted to analyze handwriting?

About 5 - 6 years back, one of my college-mate, who was a professional graphologist,wrote two pages about me and surprisingly, every word that she wrote about me was so true! From then, I always wanted to learn to do it. And she taught me a few things which I want to share with all of you. I hope this is useful. Go ahead and learn it..!!!

First thing you can notice in a handwriting is, SIZE of the writing - indicates the writer's desire to be noticed. When we look at someone's attire, we assume someone wearing very bold colors wants to be noticed more than someone in neutral tones. Their clothing reveals an aspect of their personality. Well in handwriting, large bold writing typically indicates "notice me"! Medium sized writing indicates a desire to fit in. Smaller writing indicates less of a desire to be noticed.

Large Font :
Likes being noticed, stands out in a crowd.
Broad perspective, ego driven, makes an impression, bold, extrovert.

Medium font:
Adaptable, fits into the crowd.
Practical, realistic, works well with others.

Small font:
Introspective, not seeking attention.
Modest, pays attention to details, good concentration, humble.

Very small font:
Private, stays out of lime light.
Introvert, precise, can be selective.


Strong right:
Impulsive, needs to relate to others.
Spontaneous, enthusiastic, depends on others, emotions rule.

Sociable,responsive,interested in others.
Good coping ability, extrovert, friendly, future directed.

Practical,independent,head rules over heart.
Self sufficient, controlled, restrained, low emotional responses.
Socially cautious, reserved, observant.
Good listener, self - reliant.
Ambivalent, moods vary.
Unpredictable, self-conflict, changing behavior.


An important factor in judging the writer's emotional stability and disposition is the baseline of the writing. On unlined paper, the baseline is assumed by the writer. However, even on lined paper the writer does not always adhere to the line provided. The baseline changes based on the immediate mood of the writer and can vary from day to day or moment to moment. Because of this, any interpretation derived from baseline should be prefaced by the phrase "at this time".

Normally straight:
Determined, stays on track.
Self motivated, reliable,steady.

Optimistic, positive attitude.
Ambitious, can-do attitude.

Tired, pessimistic.
No hopes, more chances for failure than success.

Wavering, lacks definite direction..
Emotionally unstressed, indecisive, may have trouble achieving goals.

Few other things :

  • When letters within words are joined up it can denote logical and ordered thinking, use of experience more than imagination, consistency and lucidity in conversation.
  • When letters within words are disconnected it can demonstrate strong intuition, original thinking, impulsiveness and creativity.
  • Upper loops in the letters : Tall upper loops means he is all talk but no action. Short upper loops mean she is all about getting things done.
  • Lower loops in the letters: If the lower loop is small, then this person says what he feels. If the lower loops are larger, than she is full of energy.

The personal pronoun 'I' a very important letter.

When the 'I' is printed with a line at the top and bottom the writer sets perimeters on themselves. They know how far their ambitions can go; they know what they can do with what they have.

Straight line for an 'I' : is aware of own capabilities, is matter of fact. These people are also intellectual and sometimes blunt as their attitude is 'the truth is the truth' so why not speak it like it is.
Any 'I' that is crossed like an 'I' that looks like a 'Z' or an 'I' that has a big loop at the top and it crosses over the line of the "I'. The writer should try to change this writing as every time you write the letter 'I' with a cross through it you are subconsciously crossing yourself out. The subconscious action can be due to a guilt you have, due to insecurity; due to you cannot face what you have done or are doing. But, whatever it is try and change that stroke it is an indication you do not like yourself in some areas.

Well these are a very few things I have learnt. This information will definitely not make anyone a pro in Graphology
.. :D Its just the beginning .. Will share more when i learn more.. :) Signing off here.. Hope it was informative.